I started my day retrieving 2 bags of African fabric scraps. The scraps are from my friends at Amani in Rwanda. Now I'm creating something with them to send to Brian's friend in Uganda.
I dumped the scraps on the table in my studio, worked on the 'pages', ironed some scraps & thought about tomorrow's creative plan of attack!
Brian finally realizes his dream of going to Africa...
"I think I had a better experience for waiting the 20 years it took to complete that part of the dream."
"It became an adventure with a purpose and much more fulfilling."
"I felt the time was becoming urgent to go there before I couldn’t walk as well as I was then."
To be continued... Scroll back 2 posts for story beginning.
Top photos: poster-George Anderson; acrylic-Filomena Booth; gouache-Marge Malwitz & African scraps in studio.
Lower photo: Brian in village hut in Gulu, Uganda with family he sponsors.
gorgeous fabrics. you'll have such fun playing with them to create something even more beautiful.