There was no doubt in my mind. The story rope was the thing to pass along @MANI. It had roots in Africa where I first used it in Rwanda with the genocide survivors. Now I was bringing it back to Africa, humbly offering it as a ministry tool to African leaders - for healing, sharing the Good News & discipleship & it adapted to any culture!
This may sound a bit crazy but I actually had the dream of connecting with every African nation, passing along the story rope through conversation, hands-on-experience & 500 colorful cards linking to the new 'Our Stories' teaching blog. Then I would have fulfilled the task of passing it on. My times of traveling to Africa would be over...NOT!
"Can you come to Togo to teach this? Will you be coming to Jos? Please come & I will take you around to all the villages. Will you come to South Africa? Could you teach this in Ghana; Cote d'Ivoire; Kenya." & on and on! This was not the plan! It was about handing it off to them!
The most unusual invitation came from Dinah Ratsimbajaonam of Islands Mission, in Madagascar, the big island off the south-east coast of Africa. What a priviledge & learning exerience to meet him and his friends working in their homeland islands in the Indian Ocean.
"Please come and teach the story ropes." (Dinah)
"What would we use? Wood? Notches on wood?" "We have raffia. We could dye it."
"Oh, with roots." "Come. We have a small helicopter. We could drop right down into the rainforest."
I smiled & shook my head in wonder. (photos of Dinah in the helicopter & in the village.)