a verb: 'to tack' - to follow a zig-zag course.
Yes, that's what's happening in my studio.
Was going to paint today but got inspired by brown paper bags.
So I took a zag in the path to cut down, iron & gesso 5 bags.
I worked on paper bags before and liked the results.
So getting paper bag surfaces ready for paint.
My dear friend, Marcia, brought me the turquoise T-shirt I'm wearing, back from the Cambodia Hope Organization aka CHO. She did art in Cambodia with women and children suffering from traumatic pasts, including children rescued from sex trafficking. Marcia is one of my heros. She has taken art to very hard places-where I could never go-Cambodia was one of them.
Marcia is on another journey now, to an even harder place, at home fighting cancer. Her story is compelling, sometimes humorous, sometimes raw, but always very real. She pulls no punches & is creating art all along the way. Meet my friend Marcia on her blog and website & be inspired!
Marcia's blog about her Cambodia trip:
Marcia's website: