Winding our way through the maze we finally came upon a woman who sold me 5 different patterns of atlas. With the addition of local fabric, my list of art materials was complete!
Working with NGO's (non-government organizations), we would be meeting with multiple groups of women in 3 cities - all affected in some way by abuse & domestic violence.
My friend's role would be that of teacher, storyteller and counselor. Mine would be to share artwork and do creative hands-on with the women. We came with a lot of teaching material & art work - the content and sequence, flexing with each group's needs.
Together we were there to bring encouragment, hope & light into this very dark place. The teaching and art possiblities would be carried on by the NGO's in each city after we left for home.
In the next couple of days, I'll be posting how the quilts & collages were recieved, storytelling on the tags/labels, and creating & sharing the story ropes. Also how the children of the NGO workers were inspired.
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