Friday, April 30, 2010
Nantucket Color

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Planning for Rwanda

Yesterday Kathie Beattie & I met with Becca Smith, visiting from Rwanda. Kathie & I will be going to Rwanda in Sept. where the 3 of us will work together under the banner of World Relief.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
STATIONS on margemalwitz.com

Saturday, April 10, 2010
What Happens When We Meet

Pat Butler describes what happens when we three art friends* meet:
Eruptions, explosions, synergism, complicity, like-minded souls, laughter, brainstorms, inspiration, creativity, white space of unbounded time, zero judgment, mutual encouragement to press into the growing edges of our ideas, our creativity, our faith, meals together on the warm reds of Marge’s handmade tablecloths or on the deck, meals as eclectic as corn on the cob, taco soup or paella, freedom to create together, uncaged, unleashed…investigating blogspots, books, websites…taking notes, taking notes, taking notes…photographing EVERYTHING…a three-fold cord is not quickly broken…the whole greater than the sum of its parts…the birthing of ideas, new mediums…
Currently the 3 of us are exhibiting our artwork in PORTS OF COLOR, at the Shalom Cafe, Bloomfield, CT.
PHOTO *Martha Campbell, Pat Butler in center, & Marge hanging out in the studio.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Hanging Out In The Studio

Been off the blog for a bit. After the two art exhibits, STATIONS* & PORTS OF COLOR**, I've been in regrouping mode - today cleaning out & reorganizing my studio.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Amazing Gallery Space